Its been far to long and i do apologise there has been some issues i had to deal with but i have some incredible news for you....
On the 1st March 2010 I GOT ENGAGED!!!

It was our two year anniversary and my boyfriend took me to the first restaurant we ever went to together and we had a lovely meal. Throughout the whole thing he kept fiddling with things so i kept asking what was up and he said nothing, so i thought nothing of it. By the end of our meal he grabbed my hand and told me how much he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of this life with me. He then put a large box in my hands and told me to open it, I had no idea what was going on so i opened the big box and inside was a small black box i pulled it out and inside was a beautiful ring, i think everything must have gone blank because i just couldn't stop smiling. He got up and came beside me got down on one knee infront of the whole restaurant and said 'Zoe will you marry me!' Of cause i lept up and said yes and the whole restaurant cheered. It has got to be the happiest moment of my life.
We have decided to get married sooner rather then wait so we have set a date for June 4th next year. So i will be keeping you all posted on designs, flowers and of cause the dress.
I'm sorry i have not been around but I'm back and ready to blog and I'm defiantly feeling a giveaway coming very soon!
I've missed you all and am currently catching up on your latest posts.
Take care x